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Vermilion Ohio, A Good Place to Live

Current time in Vermilion -

May 26, 2012 - Boy Scout



This week the desktop pic is actually just one that was cropped form a larger photograph. I used a facsimile of it for a Memorial Day column in the Vermilion Photojournal this week (below). I’ve no idea as to the identity of the lad is – nor exactly where it was taken. I just liked the photo so much I used it on my desktop this week. It's likely from the 1920s.

It is probably appropriate that I don’t know the name of the Boy Scout in the photo accompanying these words because Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day) isn’t about one person – it’s about a lot of persons.

The day was created on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, then national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, and first observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Though originally intended to honor only those who died fighting in the American Civil War, after World War I (“The war to end all wars.”) it was changed to honor all those who fell during any war. And little Vermilion, O. has had its share.

Vermilionite Henry Delker was a “belated” casualty of the Civil War. The bullet wounding Captain Delker during the last minutes of battle of Nashville in 1864 didn’t bring him down until 1891. George Feiszli and Archie Burch fell during W.W.I. Vermilion serviceman James Hall Friday died during the final stages of that war victim of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. And Ralph Quackenboss died of pneumonia. World War II took the Holland brothers and Billy Bond. Vietnam took Fleming Brainerd (Amherst-Vermilion), John Kotora, Ted Ward (Huron-Vermilion) and Hubert Payne. And there are likely others of whom I have no knowledge. But as said, this observance is not about one person – or even a hundred – it’s about many.

In 1915 inspired by Colonel John McCrae's poem, ‘We Shall Not Sleep’, later named ‘In Flanders Fields’ an American teacher, Miss Moina Belle Michael conceived the idea to wear red poppies on Memorial day to honor those who died while serving our nation during war. She was the first to wear one, and sold them to her friends and co-workers with the money going to benefit veterans.

Following the war, while teaching a class of disabled servicemen at the University of Georgia, she pursued the idea of selling silk poppies as a means of raising money to assist the veterans. And in 1921, her efforts resulted in the poppy being adopted as a symbol of national remembrance for war veterans by the American Legion Auxiliary. Unfortunately, that tradition seems to have faded into the yesteryear.

Some folks are of the opinion that when Congress made the day into a three-day weekend with the National Holiday Act of 1971, it depreciated both its spirit and meaning. In a 2002 Memorial Day address the VFW stated: "Changing the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the day. No doubt, this has contributed greatly to the general public's nonchalant observance of Memorial Day."

Well, I don’t know if that’s true or not. In Vermilion the flags still fly, the parade still parades, the band still plays, and the prayers and speeches are still said. And, as indicated, it’s not really necessary to give name to the person in the accompanying picture. He stands for all those who’ve served God and our country; and in the doing made the ultimate sacrifice. He is simply intended to be a modest symbol of all those who have passed, and in their passing afforded us the freedoms we enjoy. “Bless ‘em all. Bless ‘em all. The long and the short and the tall…”

Ref: Lyric, “Bless ‘em All” by Fred Godfrey,1917; Webpages: www.usmemorialday.org; www.greatwar.co.uk; Vermilion News Print Shop Museum photo archive; Published in the Vermilion Photojournal 5/24/12; Written 5/20/12 @ 10:02 AM.

SISTER NANCE: My sister, Nancy Emery, who is my Views spell-checker, reference person, and all around proof-reader is in the hospital. She had surgery earlier in the week, and is (hopefully) on the mend. We’ll need her when we have our grand opening at the Print Shop Museum in June so I hope she gets well soon.

IN 1927: William “Bill” Marks accepted a position as caddy manager at the then “new” Orchard Beach country club.

They were still looking for a “professional” for the course and were considering several former amateurs for the postions.

A farm southeast of town, then known as the “Coen Farm”, was about to be purchased by a Lorain real estate guy named Carl Lerschman. It consisted of five hundred acres along the Vermilion River, and was formerly the “Light and Hope Orphanage” property (including all of Swift’s Hollow).

It was thought that Lerschman was buying the property for Cleveland’s May Co. to be used as a summer home and picnic grounds for employees. He’s previously purchased the lowlands along the river from the “Knott estate”.

In mid-February Conrad Grisel of Furnace corners was killed when he collided head-on with another car on State Road (Route #60). He was returning home early in the morning after taking his brother to town to take the electric car to his job in Lorain. He collided with a Ford Coupe driven by Arnold Kropf and Fred Risden. [VV Ed. Note: it’s unclear which person was actually driving the other vehicle.]

The report said, “The roadster driven by Grisel was thrown over to the side of the road, a complete wreck, crushing his head through the back of the car.”

Kropf and Risden received some cuts, and were “badly shaken” – but other than that they were okay.

The mishap took place during a dense fog, and the account said some persons thought, “Grisel was driving with (only) one (head) light.


VAAS Audience for George Phillips


FRIENDS & RELATIVES: This photo goes back a month or so ago. I shot it at Vermilion's Ritter Public Library the night that George Phillips entertained the Vermilion Area Archival Society with his memories of Vermilion (and Lorain). As ye can see the audience was rapt.

I did capture video of this event - and while long tis quite informative. George Phillips is an interesting person. He is the owner of Key Harbor Marina off West River Road. He grew up, went to school, and worked (at U.S. Steel) in Lorain before he bought the marina.

He was Vermilion Service Director under about 7 or 8 Vermilion Mayors, and had quite a few great stories to tell. And he's probably got a million more.

Building Erie County Bank in Vermilion

"...the site (of the bank) was excavated without the benefit of heavy equipment..."

DOWNTOWN VERMILION – 1922: In 1891 a fire starting in the wooden Pelton-McGraw Store on the southwest corner of Liberty Avenue and Main (FKA Division) Street in downtown Vermilion, O. destroyed a significant portion of the entire block including, among other businesses, the office of a fledgling Erie County Bank. Following the fire the bank moved to a building across the street, and the proprietors of the Pelton-McGraw market built a new - a larger - building of brick upon the ashes of the old. The grocery occupied only the northern corner of the new building. Additional rooms along the street behind the store provided rental space for various entrepreneurial pursuits through the years. The upper floor of the building housed (as it currently does) the local chapter of Freemasons.

In the early 1920’s amid the ever-changing environment in business trends in the U.S. and, inevitably, Vermilion Village the part of the building containing the market was purchased by the no longer “fledgling” Erie County Bank. And in 1922 that portion of the building - that which once served as the literal hub of local commerce - was razed to make way for a new bank building.

The photograph accompanying this essay is not new to local history aficionados. Through the years it has appeared in various publications sans much explication beyond the obvious fact that it is of the site being excavated. The picture is, however, a great deal more interesting than that.

Fist of all, the site was excavated without the benefit of heavy equipment like power-shovels, bulldozers, and dump-trucks. Essentially the task was accomplished by men with shovels, wheelbarrows, and wagons pulled by horses. The work was, to gently describe it, “backbreaking”. Note the bricks salvaged from the razing stacked on the street; and the pieces of broken concrete piled on the earth next to the remaining structure.

The insets on the photo provide additional insight as to some of the names of businesses that then occupied stores in the Fischer Building (in the background) across the street. None exist today. The arrows indicate the location of the signs in the photo.

The inset on the right points to the sign on the corner store of the Fischer Building. It reads “The Matthew Smith”. What type of business it was is unknown (to me). It may have been an insurance agency.

The inset on the left shows four signs advertising some of the shops that were then located in the building facing Liberty Avenue. While they may not appear particularly clear to most readers they are readable.

The sign at the top says “Leidheisers”. Whether that was a restaurant or some other type of business is anyone’s guess. But beneath that sign is another advertising the “Candy Kitchen” and “Ice Cream”. The Leidheiser family operated several businesses about town over the years (i.e. a fishery, a restaurant, and a grocery store). But whether either of these places were forerunners of one of those enterprises is also unknown (to this writer).

Both the signs in the lower part of the insert advertised businesses owned and operated (at least initially) by either George or Elton Fischer - who also built the building in which they were located. Fischer’s garage and auto dealership was in the lower part of the building. Today (2009) the Encore Shop does business in much of that space. The other sign points to the entrance to Fischer’s “Roller Rink” that once upon a time was in operation on the top floor of the building.

And that was downtown Vermilion in 1922. Scarcely a year later (February 23, 1923) a new Erie County Bank building would stand proudly on the corner. And as the days turned into yesteryears the signs over the stores along the street would be replaced. And were it not for pictures such as this only a few persons would ever recall that they were - if they were at all.

Ref: “The Way It Was”, Betty Trinter - 1966; Special Thanks to the Vermilion Area Archival Society; Published in the Vermilion Photojournal 5/14/09; Written 5/10/09 @ 11:28 AM.

The Pelton wheel=


Page 11=



SHOPTALK: I’ve been chasing my tail this week and getting nothing accomplished – but doing it quickly. I glazed (badly) the windows on the storm doors at the front of the shop, and then painted them.

They look terrible. So I’ll just do it all over again. (If at first you don’t succeed…)

A person named Roger Howe (originally a Birmingham / Wakeman native) telephoned me during the week. I had previously spoken with one of the caretakers of his farm homestead – she thought I should speak with him. I finally did.

It seems that the gentleman has some old printing equipment stored in a barn on his property – and he was thinking that it might be something the museum might be interest in having.

If we had room we might be interested. But at the moment we’re in our very early stages of putting everything together and we just don’t have the space.

Too bad. Mr. Howe is a very interesting person. It would have been nice if we could have developed some sort of relationship.

I’ve been taking some time to learn more about the equipment and how things work this week. One of the most interesting pieces of equipment in the shop is the Linotype. It’s a mechanical – and an engineering – wonder. It is probably the most important printing invention since the printing press itself. It revolutionized the industry.

Slowly, very slowly, I’ve been taking the covers off all the windows in the shop. I was so used to the darkness that I almost feel naked with nothing on the windows. Light was extremely important when the shop was first built. There wasn’t any electricity, so the windows were vital. It’s been so long since I remember so much natural light in the shop that – well it’s an experience. Everything looks so different in the light of day.

As I work around the place I, now and then, come across some object that I had long forgotten about. It’s almost uncanny that I can still recall what some of the things were used for. Unlike some of my older siblings I was never directly involved in the printing processes. My experience was limited to proofreading, sweeping the floors, and, later, writing a weekly column [“By Gum!”]. The shop closed when I was 18, and I was, then, working full-time at a local restaurant. What fun…

POST OFFICE BOX: Please note that the MUSEUM has a post office box now. Now we won’t have to use our home address, nor the one at the shop for mail.

MEMBERSHIPS: Memberships to the VERMILION NEWS PRINT SHOP MUSEUM are now available. Funds generated will go toward the aforementioned renovations and maintenance of the shop.

A single membership for an adult is $15 a year.
A couple membership is $25 a year.
A student membership is $5.
And a lifetime membership is $100.

If you would like to become a member the VNPSM you can send a check or money order to:

Vermilion Print Shop Museum
P.O. Box 792
Vermilion, Ohio 44089

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK:Take the time to visit us on Facebook. Click on the badge below and stop in. We'll keep adding pix as we go along. If you're in the area come on in. I try to be there in the a.m. If you see a Chevy Silverado out front with the plate "MRCOOKR" stop by and see what's cooking.

Vermilion News Print Shop Museum

Promote Your Page Too

AGAIN - ANOTHER NEW (NOW OLD) THING: Initially I said that "This will not take the place of the "Macabre" stuff all the time - but will supplement whilst I search for more macabre stories to tell." But methinks that it's carved out a niche for itself and the "Macabre stuff" with have to find another.

So stay tuned...

VOL. VII. NO. 51. – May26, 1904


The immigration authorities at Boston have decided to deport Felica Brucca, the 12 year-old Italian lad who came to this country to join his brothers at Huron, a telegram being received Monday morning to that effect. The dispatch stated that he would be sent back next Saturday on the same steamer on which he arrived. Mr. Watts wrote the treasury department in regard to the matter, hoping that the decision of the Boston authorities will be reversed.

Tuesday the case of Geo. Fischer vs. the Village of vermilion was brought up. The suit is over grading of the street by the Lake Shore electric. The jury viewed the premises in the afternoon. John McCrystal represents the village and Judge King, Fisher.

Inventory and appraisement were filed Wednesday in the probate court in the estate of Gottlieb Knott, deceased.

The case of Geo. Fisher [sic] vs. the village of Vermilion was settled yesterday, defendant paying the cost and $1,600 being given the plaintiff.

The jury commission is selecting a list of names for the juries for the ensuing year.


Sarah Penson was born in Narenby, Lincolnshire, England, December 24, 1820, died north of Gibbon, Nebr., May 11th, 1904, aged 83 yrs. 4 months, and 17 days. She was married to Richard Puttergill, Dec. 23,1845, in England. Seven children were born to this union, five sons and two daughters. One son, William Puttergill, and one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Bauer, survive, also nine grandchildren and one great granddaughter, and two brothers Robert Penson, of Gibbon, Nebr., and Thomas Penson of Birmingham, Ohio.

She and her husband came to America in 1851 and took up their residence at Brownhelm, Ohio, where they resided for twenty-three years. They moved on their homestead north of Gibbon, Nebr. in the spring of 1877, where she has resided for the past twenty-five years with her son William and grandson. Her husband died seven years ago.

She was an earnest worker in earth life, in the Episcopalian church and later united with the Methodist church in Ohio. The funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. F.M. Ransom of the Methodist church of Gibbon.

The body was laid to rest in North Gibbon cemetery where the husband, two sons, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, her mother and four grandchildren are buried.

The words of Paul to Timothy, II Tim. 4:6-8 chosen by her during last illness, for the funeral services are a good interpretation of her life and character.

B.P.S. Mixed Paint, $1.35, cash at Blattner’s.

Mrs. Alva Bradley is visiting her sister at Berea this week.

James Duffy was found in the Lake Shore Ry. yards here Sunday with a broken leg and ribs. Medical assistance was summoned and the fracture reduced. He did not know how the accident occurred as he had been imbibing very freely but it is supposed he was struck by a freight train. He was taken to the County infirmary where he will be cared for. He has a brother John at Mason, Mich. and a sister, Mrs. Hattie E. Stevens of Moscow, Mich.

Later James Duffy died yesterday and was interred in the Infirmary Cemetery. His relatives could not be located.

Floyd Quigley is the possessor of a fine 30 foot gasoline launch He brought her from Cleveland Saturday.

Ortli’s orchestra from Cleveland will furnish the music for the Vermilion High School commencement and we can expect something fine on that occasion.

The moulding [sic] department of the Howard Stove & Mfg. Co. has been shut down.

The Liberty Bell will pass through here on its way to St. Louis Saturday, June 4th. The train will stop at Sandusky for ten minutes arriving there at 6:55 p.m.

On Sunday, May 29th Johnson’s Island Pleasure Resort will open for the season. Take the Lake Shore Electric Ry. cars to Sandusky ad spend the day on the island.

Baccalaureate services next Sunday evening. Mr. Merrill will speak on “How to live the successful life.”

The other pastors and also rev. Balson will assist. A visitor or two from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music will be in the choir. The following are appointed as ushers: E.L. Coen. G.E. Andrews, Chas. Martin, John Thompson, Warren Kane, Edward Lawrence.

Baumhart’s A.C.s won (12-2) a well-played game at Shadduck’s Park Sunday from Berlin Hts. It was one of the quietest games ever seen on the grounds. The features of the game were the pitching of Leidheiser and the playing of W. Krapp at first base. Umpire, Tischer.

The machine used in digging trenches for the water pipes was not found sufficiently strong for the work here and a new excavating wheel has been put on.

On Monday, May 30th Shadduck’s Lake Park will have a formal opening for the season. Norwalk Band will furnish music for the occasion. Ball Game Vermilion vs. Norwalk for $50.00 prize. Take Lake Shore Electric Ry. to park entrance.

Miss Tena Shultz of Danbury was burned to death one day last week at the home of Henry Smith at Pt. Clinton while trying to start fire with kerosene.

Chas. Meyer, a well known Sandusky young man died at the contagious hospital at that place last Wednesday of black small pox. A number has [sic] been exposed.

Erie Fishermen.

An airogram outfit will be installed on the Steamer Wolvin by the American DeForest Wireless Telegraph Co. [VV Ed. Note: I believe “airogram” actually means aerogram or wireless telegram.] the company now has four steamers on the great lakes; Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, and Duluth. The boat will be in constant communication with one of these stations.

John Dash who lately caused the arrest of a fisherman here for robbing his pond nets came down May 23rd to find four reels of new gill nets cut all to pieces. It is presumed here that it was done out of spite over the arrest of the late fish pirate.

All excepting two boats have pulled out and unless the breeze of today settles a few fish, they too will pull out.

I.D. Howard of Vermilion has purchased an interest in a fishing tug of this port. It is practicaly [sic] a new boat being built in 1900 and run season 1901 and part of 1902. She is 50 ft. long, 13 ft., r in. beam, 4 ft. 6 in. in hold, and is of 12 gross tons. Capt. Howard says he expects to fish her of Fairport this fall and bring here home to Vermilion to lay uq [sic], from which place she will hail from tereafter [sic]. He further states that he will not fish the boat on shares but will pay the regular wage scale, and will have her rig complete and in readiness for the summer fishing which usually commences here about July 1st.

U.S. light house boat, Haze, arrived here May 24th, from Buffalo enroute [sic] for Detroit with light house supplies.

Two of the Keystone tugs have received orders to rush their painting ect [sic]. It is thought here will cruise up the lake for fish during he month of June.

Jerry Driscoll, Captain, and owner of the tug Norma, has sold an interest in his boat to parties in Port Burnett, Canada, and in future will operate it from that port.


The Elberta=

"In 1912 the man who started it all - George W. Hess - opened the Inn at Elberta Beach
amid an orchard of Elberta peach trees..."

THE ELBERTA: For over a year now I’ve been struggling at putting together a pictorial history of the Vermilion area. Saturday morning, as I was grinding away at the task, my sister, Nancy, called to tell me that Vermilion’s landmark Elberta Inn restaurant was ablaze. She said, “I thought you’d want to know.” And I did.

Coincidentally (and I’m not prevaricating), I was transferring the photographs which accompany this essay to another image format (i.e. from “jpg” to “eps”) requested by the publisher, when I received the call. (Truth is stranger than fiction.)

I’m really unable say a great deal about the Elberta Inn. What I do know is that - along with the "Crystal Gardens" at Crystal Beach Amusement Park, the Vermilion-On-The-Lake Club House, and Ruggles Beach Dance Hall - local folks had an opportunity to listen and dance to the music of many a nationally known band / orchestra from about 1925 well into the 1940’s and early ‘50’s. In later years bands still played, and dancers still came to dance at Elberta. But the day of “big band” performances at local venues had passed.

In 1912 the man who started it all - George W. Hess - opened the Inn at Elberta Beach amid an orchard of Elberta peach trees in Vermilion, Ohio. Mr. Hess was, professionally, a cook who became a restaurateur - a very good one. [The Inn, incidentally, preceded the establishment of Vermilion’s Helfrich-McGarvey restaurant.] If the food at the Inn was excellent - which it was; the entertainment was superb. From 1925 to 1940 nearly 90 different dance bands entertained patrons throughout each year. Among them were Duke Ellington, Kay Kyser, Danny Kaye and his Swing and Sway Orchestra, Jimmy Dulia, and many many more. One of the local bands that played at the Inn was the Floyd Hays Orchestra. The Elberta, unlike most dance halls in the region, was open 12 months a year.

Sometime during the early 1950's Routes #6 & 2 (Lake Road) from the Lorain County line into the city of Lorain was transformed from a 2-lane into a 4-lane highway. To make way for this expansion several homes and businesses had to be moved. Consequently the Elberta Inn was "picked-up" and moved back (north) about 50 feet from its original location (lower photo). During the 1960’s the restaurant was given an attractive facelift (lower photo) which it maintained - until last Saturday (2/26/11) morning.

Mr. Hess, along with his wife Gertrude (Nickley), operated the successful restaurant / night-club until his death in April of 1962. Mr. Hess’s daughters Helen (Horton) and Anna Mae (Gannett), as well as Gertrude’s brothers and sisters - the Nickley family - were, and remain, well known and respected members of the community. Helen died in 2006; Anna in 2008; and Gertrude passed away in 2010.

For the last 15 years another owner, Ali Sabbaghzadeh, has guided the operation of the restaurant now known as the “Alize At Elberta”. During this time the restaurant has earned a growing reputation for its food - especially its garlic soup. Mr. Hess would have, no doubt, been delighted. Unfortunately however, prospective diners are going to have to wait to try it. For the “Elberta” of yesteryear - as well as that of last week - is no more.

Hugh Darley who was, back in the ‘70’s, affiliated with the inn emailed me Saturday afternoon saying, “Sad...another Vermilion Landmark gone. Of course, it's especially sad for me but I have many pictures (customer pics) of my tenure there.” And yet another Vermilion expatriate, Bill Hlavin, wrote, “Another Vermilion Land mark disappears!!!!” As the kids of today are currently given to say, “True Dat, friends - true dat.”

Ref: Richard “Dick “Koontz Photo Archive - Ritter Public Library; Chronicle Telegram, 10/15/1924; Sandusky Register, 4/11/1962; Chronicle Telegram 4/29/1963; Big Bands on the Lakefront, compiled Burton Nesbitt, 2002; Special thanks: Pamela Seymour; Barb Ruggles; and the Vermilion Area Archival Society; Published in the Vermilion Photojournal 03/03/11; Written 02/17/11 @ 11:27 AM.


In 1958 a 17-year-old high school junior, Robert Heft found himself in need of a class project. The teacher initially turned down his proposed 50 star American Flag idea. He went ahead and finished his project, receiving a B minus for his efforts. Heft's teacher compromised and promised to deliver a better classroom grade if he could get the U.S. Congress to accept his flag. The rest is history.

"The township was named after the principle river
emptying into the lake through its territory..."

THE FIRE-LANDS: I found the following information re: the early inhabitants of our area to be extremely informative. Methinks you will also.

I am getting better at transcribing these passages so there are fewer mistakes. But I like to read as I go - and sometimes I fill in the blanks. So tread carefully this trail through yesteryear.

The following series will take thee to the townships south of Vermilion. Methinks you'll find this history quite fascinating.



…wife, and Sophia, Philothe and Eliza, daughters, and Tracey, a son, settled on lot fourteen, section three. Mr. Simeon Munson and family, on lot seven; Mrs. Porter, mother to Mrs. Betsey or Elizabeth Scribner, and Philo T. and Aurora Porter, (two brothers); Sherman, Austin and Major Smith (three brothers. Major but six years of age) all came at the same time, and in the company of Mrs. J. P. Case, and all settled in the third section. They were from Connecticut, though at this immediate move from near Springfield, Clarke county, Ohio, by the way of the Maumee route.

One or two days later in November, 1815, Mr. Anthony Hendryx and family, and Benjamin Hendryx, a brother, and his family, came from New York, and settled on lots thirteen and eighteen, in the third section; also, about the same time, John Hendryx and his brother Thomas, and their families, from Brighton. Monroe county. New York, settled in the second section,—John on lot number twenty-three, and Thomas on lot number eighteen. Many others, whose names are forgotten, came and settled, and some moved in. in the year 1815.

During the year 1816, William Sweet arrived, who came in January, with his family, from Brighton, in Monroe county, New York, and settled on lot fifteen, third section; made a large and permanent improvement; put out a large orchard in 1822. He filled several township offices with credit to himself, and, in 1831, sold to Abram Prosser, and moved to Erie county, Ohio.

Also, in July, 1816, Mr. John Covey and Phebe, his wife (daughter of Abram Hendryx), and family, then consisting of Polly, John, Hannah, Benjamin and Phebe, came from Steuben county. New York, and settled on lot seven, section four, now owned by T. B. Hemenway, on which is the first cemetery, and also the New London agricultural association grounds and track are located. He lived on this lot, and made quite an improvement, setting out a large orchard, but, as he had no valid title to his farm, (Devil) John Hendryx, as the phrase is by the early settlers, "bought it out from under him" in 1829. In 1837, he and his wife moved to Michigan. His family married as follows: Polly, the eldest daughter, married, December, 1817, Mr. John Day, and settled on lot number twenty, section one; John, the eldest boy, married Alzina Day, daughter of widow Day, of Clarksfield, for his first wife (wife and two children soon died), and for his second wife he married Mary McConnell, daughter of James McConnell, of Rochester, and now lives near Coldwater, Michigan; Hannah married Daniel Higgins, of New London, afterward a "lively Mormon;" Phebe married Ansel Barber, and Benjamin married Martha Ann, daughter of Simeon Munson, and all live, or did, near Coldwater, Michigan. Polly (Mrs. Day) soon died, and was buried on her father’s farm, which was the first burial in the village cemetery. As a family, history informs us, they were kind and obliging. Richard Bailey settled on lot number one, section four, remained a few years, and sold to Paul Lebo, and Paul Lebo sold to J. McClave.

1817.—There were many additions to the pioneers of the township during the third year of its settlement, a few only have we space to specify, among whom we will name: February 22, 1817, Mr. Henry Anderson, from Livington county. New York, and Mrs. Russell, her sons Alcott and Charles, from the same county; and about the same time, came Paul Pixley, and Ariel his son, and their families, from Brighton, New York; Nathan Munson, Steven Post and A. Miner, from the State of New York, and located as follows: Anderson, on lot number eighteen, third section; Mrs. Russell, on lot number seven, third section; Alcott, a boy, lived with Anderson; Paul Pixley, on a part of same lot and section; Ariel Pixley, settled on lot number ten, same section; and Post, on number eighteen.

In the spring of this year, Mr. Josiah Day and his brother, John, came. Josiah settled on lot number twenty-five, first section, where he soon established a manufactory of black salts, or potash; and in after years, in company with Mr. Tracy Case, did quite an extensive trade in ashes, potash and cotton goods and family groceries. He always lived on this place. Was elected justice of the peace in 1855; died October 14, 1855, an honest man, even to the dividing of the last cent! John Day settled on lot twenty, first section.

Ezekiel Sampson and William Merrifield and their families, from Brighton, New York, arrived in December 1816. Sampson located on lot number eight, fourth section; and William Merrifield located on lot number three, second section.

Mr. Solomon Hubbard, (a soldier in the war of 1812-14,) from Livingston county. New York, born 1789, in Connecticut, came to Florence, February 12, 1816. The next spring, April 1817, he traded his farm with Mr. Nathan Smith, who located on lot number five, third section, in 1816. Mr. Smith came on to said lot under a contract with Nat. Ledyard, and erected a house. He had a large family of daughters, and thought he could educate them better in Florence than in New London, which is said to be the motive that resulted in swapping farms. Mr. Solomon Hubbard, by the enforcement, in court, of the Ledyard "contract" with Smith, obtained a deed of fifty acres as a gift. Mr. Hubbard filled several important offices. He died January 16, 1829.

J. B. Hubbard, a son, born August 27, 1817, and now living in Cincinnati, is the oldest white male, living, born in the township. His son, Holsy, born in New York, April 11, 1815, now lives on the lot, and is one of the most prominent and respected citizens of all the living early pioneers. He has several times filled the office of township trustee; has been justice of the peace for three terms, and from 1869 to 1875, six years (two terms), was one of the most reliable and energetic county commissioners. He has reared a family of five boys—S. G., Joseph B.,…

Excerpts from: The Fire Lands, Comprising Huron and Erie Counties, Ohio; W.W. Williams - 1879 -
Press of Leader Printing Company, Cleveland, Ohio

Mehnert's Token=


A TOKEN: During the 1920s "Sporty" Mehnert ran the newsstand next to Hart's Corner Drug Store where Berk's Real Estate Appraisers now have office. I don't know how one acquired one of his tokens to use as a nickel. It was probably a courtesy advertising gimmick.

Vermilion expatriate Dave Hurd sent me this little jewel from (I believe) his home in Virginia. He said he came across it while moving his Dad out of their Perry Street home some years ago.

Many Vermilionites will remember both David and his brother John. They will also remember their mother Marie. She was a popular Vermilion elementary school teacher. (She was my 2nd grade teacher.)

A very cool artifact.


The district attorney was cross-examining the murderess on the witness stand.

"And so after you had poisoned the coffee and your husband sat at the breakfast table partaking of the fatal dosage, didn't you feel any qualms? Didn't you feel the slightest pity for him knowing that he was about to die and was wholly unconscious of it?"

"Yes," she answered. "Come to think of it...there was just a moment when I sort of felt sorry for him."

"And, when was that?"

"When he asked for the second cup."

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NOTHING AGAIN THIS WEEK: This week no podcast again. I continue to think about this section of Views - looking for a better way to present these videos.

Persons interested in the history of the Lake Shore Electric Railway (which was the subject of a recent past podcast series) - "the greatest electaric railway system on the planet" may want to go to Amazon.com and purchase a book called "Images of Rail - Lake Shore Electric Railway". It was put together by Thomas J. Patton with the help of my friends Dennis Lamont and Albert Doane. It'd make a nice gift.

Also, please note that all the video (MP4 and MOV) podcasts (when used) are done in the "Quicktime MP4 / MOV" formats. If you don't have a "Quicktime" it's easy to find and free to download.

NOTE NOTE:Past podcasts are not available in the on-line archive. They just take up too much disk space. But if one really, really, really wants to acquire a copy of a past cast it can be had by contacting me and I will place it on a disc and send it to ye for a minimal fee.

LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: After giving it much thought this link has been "put-down". During the last year most of the folks who used to use this page as a bulletin board have acquired their own and, consequently, no longer need this forum from "Views". I have, however, kept links (in the links section) to Larry Hohler's "Hope Homes" in Kenya - and to Bette Lou Higgins' Eden Valley Enterprises sites. They are historically and socially relevant projects. I suggest that you visit these sites on a regular basis to see "what's shakin'".

Pay particular note to the "Hope Homes" page during the next few months / years. They are constantly improving the lives of their youngsters and those around them. This is an exciting project accomplished by exciting people. In fact, Larry and Yvette just returned with new pix.

Although this years Vermilion High School Class of 1959 reunion is over classmates may want to stay connected with each other through organizer Roger Boughton. Ye can connect by mailing him @ 2205 SW 10th Ave. Austin, MN. 55912 or you can just emailRoger.

Alice W. is back - and guess where she is now (?): Ali's Blog.

THE BEAT GOES ON: This page is generated by a dreaded Macintosh Computer and is written and designed by (me) Rich Tarrant. It will change weekly ~ usually on Saturday. Bookmark the URL (Universal Resource Locater) and come back at your own leisure. Send the page to your friends (and enemies if you wish). If you have something to share with those who visit this page, pass it on. And if you see something that is in need of correction do the same. My sister, Nancy, is a great help in that respect. It only takes me a week to get things right. And follow the links. You might find something you like. If you experience a problem with them let me know. Also, if you want to see past editions of this eZine check the new archives links below.

If you're looking for my old links section (pictured) I've replaced it with a pull-down menu (visible in the small box next to the word "Go"). If you're looking for links to more Vermilion history check that menu.

How the old links menu looked

Links to additional Vermilion Ohio pages:

For Persons who would like to donate to the cause (to keep these "Views" on-line you can send whatever you would like to me at the following address. And THANKS to everybody who has already donated to the cause. I doth certainly appreciate it):
Rich Tarrant
1041 Oakwood Drive
Vermilion, Ohio
Telephone: 440-967-0988 - Cell: 440-670-2822

or you can use PayPal: (NOTE: IT WORKS NOW)

" A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ."
-John Steinbeck

Vol.10, Issue 11 - May 26, 2012

Archive Issue #480

Vermilion Views Search Engine


The International Webmasters Association

© 2012 Rich Tarrant